If you have ANY query in connection with the Awards, whether in connection with an entry form, the T&Cs, or would like to find out how you can take part as an entrant or sponsor, please do get in touch. There are a number of ways you can do so.
HQ Address:
Arch Villa,
23 High Street,
NN29 7NF
Office: 01933 664437
Comments, Compliments & Complaints
At The Mallows Company, we believe that improvement is a continual process. We value comments, complaints, compliments and feedback (whether negative or positive) and take these into account when reviewing our services.
To make a comment, compliment or complaint please email us: ccc@themallowscompany.com
Contact Form
A Celebration and Recognition of Excellence within
Northamptonshire's Food and Drink Sector
Weetabix Northamptonshire
Food and Drink Awards
The Mallows Company (07103621)
A Celebration and Recognition of Excellence within
Northamptonshire's Food and Drink Sector